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"March Madness" Mixed Media 23" x 23"

 My process starts by comping my photo images or painted original portions together in Photoshop. I apply filters or color alternates and add brush and textures. I then decide the how to layer and transfer the image in smaller sections to a inkjet printer which has to print in reverse of the image of my comp. I print on a 8.5" x 11" sheet of glossy Chromeco stock. As it comes off the printer I turn over each section onto a dampened heavy watercolor stock and roll over with a heavy ink roller and carefully removing the transfer sheet so it does not smudge while keeping track of what layers to turn on and off to print. The hard part is keeping these multiple images in line with each other on each pass. The process works best in stages letting each transfer dry before lining up an adjacent image layer. It also can go very wrong on a 7th or 8th pass which may be scraped. I only produce one good image from my transfer process. When I am happy with the result, I will embellish it with watercolor, ink, charcoal or even collage. I treat the finished sheet with a UV protection spray. I have framed originals hanging that are over 20 years old that are still vibrant. Each of my originals is unique and I have not duplicated any to date.

Work in Progress  2020 March Amid Madness

Patterns SMALL.002.png
Patterns SMALL.003.png
Mid MarchSmall.jpg
Patterns SMALL.010.png

I have created brush sets to enable me to create patterns.

I also use them to create a working sketch model in B&W that is easier to transfer to a quality paper stock to add my own color embellishments. Some may say "why not just draw it or paint it directly?" but I love the print effect that the transfer process produces. My printing background is hard to ignore.

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